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I haven’t failed…

Helda Almeida/Photos.com

Helda Almeida/Photos.com

“I haven’t failed. 

I’ve found 10,000 ways that don’t work”

 – Thomas Edison – Inventor, holds 1093 patents

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Deciding How To Decide

Pros and Cons
SWOT Chart
Grid Analysis
Rock, Paper, Scissors
Decision Tree
Strategic Planning Matrix
Eenie Meanie Miney Mo
Risk/RewardValues alignment

It’s not enough that I have an important decision to make and I feel paralyzed.  When I realize how many ways there are to make a decision, I realize I need to decide how to decide.  Aargh!

It has been very freeing to me to come to accept that “the facts are never all in”.  At some point I must determine how much knowledge is enough.  If I do this up front, then the decision making process will have a measurable end point.

It also helps me to change the end goal from a “right choice” to the “best possible choice”.

As a Christian, it is also meaningful to acknowledge and depend on the Wisdom of God at work in me.  This reminds me that in a very profound way I do not make decisions alone.

Here are five questions that will clarify your decision making process at the front end:

  • What do I need to know to make a great decision?
  • What factors will make the most difference to me?
  • What would a great decision look like?
  • What decision making tool(s) will be most useful for this decision?
  • Are there new strategies I want to try?

For more in-depth conversation on the Art of Making A Decision, join me for a free webinar.


But I Have A Witness!

Dennis Cox/Photos.com

Our son was home from college over the Labor Day weekend.  It was a rare weekend because our daughter was not scheduled to work and we had more time together than normal. It’s always great to have all four of us at the table.  Pancakes in the morning, yummy grilled chicken in the evening

At one point the weekend my husband had come in through the door from the garage to our family room.  I could hear the door opening and shutting.  I shouted a welcoming “hello”  from the kitchen upstairs.  Then,…nothing.  No reply. No acknowledgement.

Okay, I’ll admit that this h as become a bit of a pet peeve for me. My daughter seems to have the same problem of not hearing or not responding if she does hear.  So…I called on a witness.  Robert was standing with me in the kitchen.  I called out my husband as he came up the stairs.  Why don’t you respond when I say “hello”?  Then my witness turned on me.  “Mom, Dad said hello.  You just didn’t hear him”.  Ouch!  Now I was being called out.

We live in a noisy world.  Not only is our environment filled with sound and distractions, I find that my thoughts are noisy and fill my head so that I do not always hear what people are saying around me. Maybe I need to have my hearing  checked.  Maybe I just need to clear my head, focus my attention and learn to listen better.

There are at least three kinds of listening that I am dedicated to mastering:

  1. Listening to what you say.
  2. Listening for what is impacting you.
  3. Listening for what you value

What about you?   Take a moment to add a comment and let others know what kind of listening is important to you.


What I Learned From A Tea Bag (and my pastor)…

Jacek Novak/Photos.com

Integration, Infusion, Incorporation – words that describe what happens when we work at taking a new mindset, a new attitude, a new action and make it a natural part of our life.

On Sunday, my pastor held up a cup of hot water in one hand and a tea bag in the other hand.  We were thinking about how the Word of God becomes integrated into our lives. He placed the tea bag into the clear glass of hot water.  As we listened,  the water  gradually changed color, flavor, and smell .  The tea was infused into the water.   We know longer recognized it as a glass of water and a tea bag.  It now was a glass of tea – something new.

This image of integration works not only when pondering spiritual lessons, but any time we want to apply a new mindset, attitude or action into our lives.  Here are three  factors that influence the  integration of something new into our lives?

 Time – The tea bag was exposed to the hot water over time. If we find will find people who think and act the way we ultimately want to think and act, then spending time with them will be part of the process of integration for us.

  • Who do you want to be like?
  • How can being with them help you integrate a new mindset, attitude or action into your life?

Heat – The water was hot. Heat quickens and intensifies the integration of the water and tea.   For us, pressure, conflict, pain, loneliness, and deadlines are just some of the “heat” God uses to shape and form us.

  • What heat are you feeling right now?
  •  How is it affecting the process of integrating a new mindset, attitude or action into your life?

Intentionality –The tea bag had to be placed in the water to initiate the integration process.  My pastor decided to do this.

  • What do you need to decide and act upon to further the integration of a new mindset, attitude or action into your life?

A Word About Life Coaching: Goals and action steps are essential to moving forward in your life.  But do you  know what you are moving toward.  Do your goals help you reach a vision of the future that you have identified?  Or do they just get you through the week and help you check off your to-do list?  Life Coaching can help you identify a unique, compelling vision for the next 5-10 years of your life.  Contact Patti Larson (patti.larson@kc.surewest.net) for a complimentary, no obligation,  strategy session.