Archive | February 2012

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Chaos or Cooperation

Leadership decisions may not directly affect your own daily work,  but if they affect others, they end up affecting you. Take note leaders – the more influence you have in the decision making process of your organization, the more you need to be aware of this reality. How you make decisions and communicate them has […]

Serenity, Courage and Wisdom

The prayer commonly known as “The Serenity Prayer” recently came to my attention.  I found out it is attributed to Reinhold Neibuhr and printed in the Federal Council of Churches handbook for army chaplains in 1944.  That sets it in the context of world war rather than Alcoholics Anonymous.  (Although you can say alcoholism is […]

Communication Checklist

Okay this week is really practical yet critical. For pastors and staff members in church settings  finding effective ways to communicate is an ongoing challenge.  Even when you find the best ways to communicate there are many steps to follow up with to be more consistent and effective in getting your message across.  A simple […]