Archive | April 2012

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Water or Gasoline?

  “You have in your hands two buckets. One contains water and the other contains gasoline.”   Two days ago I was driving with my husband out to Manhattan, Kansas to see our son perform in the University Concert Band.  I quickly grabbed a book off the shelf of the living room. I’m a John […]

What I Learned From A Bowl Of Oatmeal

I eat oatmeal three times a week for breakfast.  I didn’t used to but for four weeks my husband and I have been changing the way we eat. We actually chose a diet plan to follow. This one involves eating no processed grains or sugars.  Only one serving of whole grains a day and  only […]

Think Again

The other day I was talking with someone who was really stuck in their thinking, they did not know how else to look at a situation.  They drew a total blank on alternatives. Here are some steps to try if you find yourself in the same situation: Brainstorm alternatives No censoring allowed – silence the […]

Emotional Hijacking – An Honest Story

Have you ever had an emotional response to a situation that hijacked your ability to think clearly?  Someone once explained to me that between every event and a response is a belief. Here is one way I have seen this at work in my life… Sometimes I’m sitting in a meeting and a colleague really […]