Archive | September 2012

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It’s Tuesday Already!

It’s Tuesday Already!  Stop right now and think… Have I  put my “big rocks” in place for the week? Have I determined what is most important to accomplish in these five work days? If I could accomplish only one thing this week, what would it be? Where will I block this into my schedule? (The […]

Energy Drain

A simple dome light left on in in your car overnight can drain enough power from your car’s battery that it won’t start in the morning.  On long drives one of us in our family usually fiddles with the dome light to be able to read, put on makeup, or to check a map.  We […]

Please Step To The Back Of The Boat

I started wondering the other day if Jesus ever felt overwhelmed by the demands upon Him.  I know He was overcome in the garden and asked for the “cup” to be removed.  But I mean on a daily basis, was Jesus overwhelmed? You know, “how will I ever get everything done today?”  “Can people just […]