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Deciding How To Decide

Pros and Cons
SWOT Chart
Grid Analysis
Rock, Paper, Scissors
Decision Tree
Strategic Planning Matrix
Eenie Meanie Miney Mo
Risk/RewardValues alignment

It’s not enough that I have an important decision to make and I feel paralyzed.  When I realize how many ways there are to make a decision, I realize I need to decide how to decide.  Aargh!

It has been very freeing to me to come to accept that “the facts are never all in”.  At some point I must determine how much knowledge is enough.  If I do this up front, then the decision making process will have a measurable end point.

It also helps me to change the end goal from a “right choice” to the “best possible choice”.

As a Christian, it is also meaningful to acknowledge and depend on the Wisdom of God at work in me.  This reminds me that in a very profound way I do not make decisions alone.

Here are five questions that will clarify your decision making process at the front end:

  • What do I need to know to make a great decision?
  • What factors will make the most difference to me?
  • What would a great decision look like?
  • What decision making tool(s) will be most useful for this decision?
  • Are there new strategies I want to try?

For more in-depth conversation on the Art of Making A Decision, join me for a free webinar.

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