Patti Larson

I haven’t failed…

“I haven’t failed.  I’ve found 10,000 ways that don’t work”  – Thomas Edison – Inventor, holds 1093 patents

Deciding How To Decide

Pros and Cons SWOT Chart Grid Analysis Rock, Paper, Scissors Decision Tree Strategic Planning Matrix Intuition Eenie Meanie Miney Mo Risk/RewardValues alignment It’s not enough that I have an important decision to make and I feel paralyzed.  When I realize how many ways there are to make a decision, I realize I need to decide […]

But I Have A Witness!

Dennis Cox/ Our son was home from college over the Labor Day weekend.  It was a rare weekend because our daughter was not scheduled to work and we had more time together than normal. It’s always great to have all four of us at the table.  Pancakes in the morning, yummy grilled chicken in the […]

What I Learned From A Tea Bag (and my pastor)…

Jacek Novak/ Integration, Infusion, Incorporation – words that describe what happens when we work at taking a new mindset, a new attitude, a new action and make it a natural part of our life. On Sunday, my pastor held up a cup of hot water in one hand and a tea bag in the other […]